Solemnity of Mary, Every Day

By Ann Mulgrew, Assistant Director of Campus Ministry

Faith at Marquette
2 min readDec 8, 2020

Sitting here, alone, but ok. I am between the end of the semester, A Feast Day honoring the Solemnity of Mary, Advent, and the preparations for a unique and holy Christmas. I think we are all in a place that needs something. Am I right?

This Advent, today, what do you need?

Patience, as in a patient waiting for the hope of the birth of the Christ Child or the new year and continued protocols around living within a pandemic?

Commitment, as in continuing to put all of you and all that you have into this “thing” we call living? Maybe this is just like you have been or maybe it is a need to push yourself and go beyond your perceived inability to give more.

How about a need for a steadfast Faith? A faith that can be your companion for enduring the bad days and the good.

Lastly, do you need hope?

A hope that believes that with God, all is possible. A hope that sees our commitment to masks, social distance, separation from friends and family, and isolation. Yes, I really miss my family. But my love for them is bigger than missing them.

On this Feast day for Mary which holds the highest regard in Feast Days, I pray with Mary as she is truly the best example of patience, commitment, steadfast faith, and hope. She found favor with God and accepted this, despite her fear and doubt by a resounding “Yes!.” This favor by God, solemnity, should be everything I seek, everyday.

I sing in my head often the song from Amy Grant titled “Breath of Heaven, Mary’s Song.” The chorus states: “Breath of Heaven. Hold me together. Be forever near me. Breath of Heaven.

Breath of Heaven. Lighten my darkness. Pour over me your holiness. For you are holy. Breath of heaven.”

I may often sit here, alone, but OK, because I have the blessing of Mary as a guide and example of how to help me be ok, in this place, within this year, at this time, on a Feast Day, within Advent, at the end of the semester, that needs something.

Mother Mary, come to me.

Breath of Heaven, hold me together.

Photo: Celebrating Mass today for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception in the Chapel of the Holy Family



Faith at Marquette
Faith at Marquette

Written by Faith at Marquette

Faith at Marquette University | Mission & Ministry, Campus Ministry, and the Faber Center: encouraging Marquette’s pillar and tradition of faith.

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